White Paper: The Evolution of the Doctor-Patient Relationship

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The Evolution of Patient-Provider Relationships

Patient Provider Relationships WP Hero

Balancing Personal Connection With New Technology

For most of modern healthcare, the doctor-patient relationship was one-sided and usually directed by the physician. However, today's patients are taking a greater role in their health. The result is a partnership, rather than a one-way street.

Some of this is due to a shift in culture. At the same time it is generational, with younger patients more comfortable asking questions about their diagnosis, prognosis, testing, and treatments. The largest factor shaping the new healthcare dynamic is more accessible online healthcare information.

What's covered in this guide?

  • A larger patient role in the new healthcare dynamic

    8 in 10 Americans use the internet to look up medical info at least once/year.

  • Patients want greater cost transparency

    62% of patients say knowing their share of healthcare costs influences decisions.

  • The disappearing waiting room

    Practices should adopt technology for check-in and intake forms.

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“The provider should become the patient’s navigator through the mass amount of conflicting and questionable information available. To help develop this partnership, providers can educate patients on where to find credible health information.”

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