Effective March 27, 2016, all prescriptions in New York State will need to be electronic prescriptions, with limited exceptions. According to the Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS), HANYS and its members fully support e-prescribing for both controlled and non-controlled substances and HANYS’ members have been working diligently to prepare for the e-prescribing mandate (HANYS’ Members Readying for e-Prescribing Program: HANYS Working to Address Outstanding Issues).
The New York State Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement (BNE) released a newsletter (BNE Update) focused solely on what providers need to know about electronic prescribing in New York. The BNE newsletter provides an excellent overview of electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) as well as important information about the EPCS registration process in New York. The newsletter also delves into what computer systems are required to be used for e-prescribing and considerations providers should consider in choosing a technology vendor.
In addition to its full-suite of ambulatory heath care solutions, RXNT has offered its best-in-class, stand-alone e-prescribing solution in the marketplace for over 16 years. With its track record and capability, RXNT is prepared and ready to help your practice comply with the New York State I-STOP Mandate, cost effectively. Our stand-alone e-Prescribing solution, which is available on mobile devices using our iOS & Android applications, has been used successfully by thousands of physicians. It is Surescripts Gold Rx™ Certified as well as EPCS Certified, allowing you to electronically prescribe controlled substances. In addition to providing helpful solutions, RXNT provides excellent training and support, and our team is committed to making the enrollment process as pain-free as possible.
About RXNT
Networking Technology, Inc. dba RXNT, based in Annapolis, MD, develops innovative software solutions for ambulatory care practices. RXNT has been a leader in cloud-based software for over 16 years with a fully integrated line of solutions including RXNT|PM (practice management), RXNT|EHR (electronic health records), and RXNT|eRx (electronic prescribing).
For more information about RXNT|EHR, or RXNT’s other software solutions, visit us online at www.rxnt.com, call us at 1-800-943-7968 Option 3, or follow us on LinkedIn.