Dec 30, 2015

EPCS Adoption: Making the Digital Transition

Alanna Diffendal   |   Updated May 24   |  Reading time: 2 minutes

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In March 2010, the DEA mandated a two-factor authentication requirement to enable providers to electronically prescribe controlled substances (EPCS). This means providers need two safeguards to ensure that their scripts are valid and accepted by pharmacies. One problem was, and continues to be, pharmacies are not required to accept EPCS requests therefore patients can only receive their controlled prescriptions from designated pharmacies.

Providers and pharmacies have had mixed feelings about the transition to EPCS. Barriers that cause Providers to be slow to adopt EPCS include implementation time, the technology itself and adjusting to a new workflow. Even large Provider groups such as hospitals have been hesitant to adopt EPCS technology because it took “an army” to implement, but after the implementation of EPCS, Providers are reaping the benefits.

Dr. Higgins, the pharmacy informatics coordinator at Methodist Health System said, “[EPCS is] worth it. It has the potential to reduce [drug] diversions because you don’t have prescriptions floating around … it’s all electronic, it’s all encrypted.” The security that EPCS offers enables providers to track previous controlled substance prescriptions to avoid drug abuse as well as prescribing multiple medications to one patient. Ms. Sefa, the director of applications services at NorthShore University HealthSystem, also believes in the positive potential from EPCS and that it improved their company’s workflow, which overall reduced wait times for their patients.

Click here to learn more about Going All Digital on Controlled Substances.

RXNT|e-prescribing stand-alone product offers EPCS in addition to the electronic prescribing of non-controlled substances. RXNT|e-prescribing is Surescripts certified and it’s EPCS solution is DEA certified, making prescribing controlled substances possible for practices of all sizes. RXNT|e-prescribing seamlessly integrates with RXNT|EHR (electronic health records) making the prescribing of controlled and non-controlled substances available to providers as part of the same workflow they use for their patient encounters, lab ordering & review of results, and scheduling. Click here to learn more about how RXNT solutions can help your practice.

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