Nov 16, 2018

RXNT to Provide Electronic Prescribing Services for Banner Health Providers in AZ

Alanna Diffendal   |   Updated May 24   |  Reading time: 2 minutes

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Banner Health, one of the largest nonprofit health systems in the country, and RXNT, one of the fastest-growing healthcare technology companies in the U.S., announces today that they have created a partnership to offer electronic prescribing from RXNT to Banner Health providers in Arizona who do not have access to the health system’s electronic health record application. This implementation will enable them to comply with the Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act.

The Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act was signed into law by Governor Ducey as an effort to curb the opioid crisis, which continues to grow significantly in Arizona, as it does throughout much of the country. The act includes a mandate that begins on January 1, 2019 stating e-prescribing will be used to dispense all Schedule II opioid medications. Schedule II narcotics include morphine, opium, codeine, methadone (Dolophine ®), meperidine (Demerol®), oxycodone (OxyContin®, Percocet®) and fentanyl (Sublimze®, Duragesic®). Several other states either have or are moving towards similar electronic prescribing mandates because of the opioid epidemic.

In addition to helping reduce forged prescriptions, the cloud-based electronic prescribing service from RXNT increases staff efficiency and improves patient safety through real-time eligibility checking, formulary indicators, drug and allergy interactions, medication history, electronic refills, customizable dosing instructions, medication management, and pharmacy lists.
“We are thrilled to partner with Banner Health to bring electronic prescribing to their providers,” said Randy Boldyga, CEO and president of RXNT. “Through this collaboration, we’re not only making a positive impact on battling the opioid crisis, but also enhancing patient safety and decreasing medication errors, reducing drug costs, increasing access to patient medication records, and improving pharmacy workflow.”

Using electronic prescribing from RXNT will help Banner Health providers make healthcare easier for consumers, enhance the quality of patient care, and save time. The providers also have the option to add on additional solutions from RXNT, such as electronic health records (EHR) and practice management software.

“Electronic prescribing will add additional controls which will support our providers in securely prescribing controlled substances. These and other controls will help impact meeting the legal requirements in Arizona and in prevention of opioid overdoses and deaths in our state,” said Tina Aramaki, vice president of pharmacy services at Banner Health.

About Banner Health

Headquartered in Arizona, Banner Health is one of the largest nonprofit health care systems in the country. The system owns and operates 28 acute-care hospitals, Banner Health Network, Banner – University Medicine, academic and employed physician groups, long-term care centers, outpatient surgery centers and an array of other services; including Banner Urgent Care, family clinics, home care and hospice services, pharmacies and a nursing registry. Banner Health is in six states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada and Wyoming. For more information, visit

About RXNT

Since 1999, RXNT has provided award-winning and certified e-prescribing, electronic health records (EHR), and practice management and billing solutions to hospitals, physician practices and medical billing companies. The company’s fully-integrated and cloud-based systems were designed to provide robust functionality while being easy to implement and use, at an affordable cost.

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