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The Hidden Data Sinking Your Medical Practice’s Revenue Cycle

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Customer Success Stories

Learn how medical practices and billing companies have used RXNT to streamline their operations and achieve outstanding results.


Increased patient growth by 300%

In 2019, KC Family Hope Center switched from its previous software vendor and implemented RXNT's Full Suite system for a fully-integrated solution. Through the efficiencies achieved, the practice has reduced administrative tasks and increased patient visits by 300%.


Cut reimbursement time in half

Mountain View Medical Billing founder Robin Scott-Tripp launched her company in 2011 with a focus on family practice, mental health, and physical therapy clients. After an exhaustive 5-month search, she selected RXNT's cloud-based Medical Billing solution for her business.

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RXNT Website Whitepaper Cover SignsToChangeSoftware
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Is it Time to Replace Your Medical Software?

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Removing Barriers to Patient Compliance

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