If you are a physician working in hospice care and do not utilize mobile e-Prescribing, you know the challenges of getting prescriptions to a patient conveniently, efficiently and securely. For many physicians, the workflow involves receiving a request from hospice care staff for medications that can come at any hour of the day, requiring a physician – at the very least – to spend time on the phone getting all the background information on the patient and scrambling to find a prescription pad and fax machine to treat the patient. The physician may even be required to spend time talking to a pharmacist where the script will be filled.
Electronic prescribing eliminates the challenges physicians have had to accept in the prescribing workflow for hospice patients. Using an e-prescribing solution such as RXNT|eRx, a hospice physician no longer needs to find a prescription pad and fax machine. Prescriptions can be sent electronically directly to a patient’s pharmacy at any time and from any place. And using a solution like RXNT|eRx, the physician can see information on a patient’s medications and allergies, as well as interaction and insurance information. The physician can also monitor a prescription to ensure it reached the pharmacy.
Many hospice physicians see e-prescribing as a game changer. They appreciate the fact that they can:
- Eliminate time-consuming calls
- See so much data at the point of prescribing medications for a patient
- Send a prescription instantaneously to any pharmacy in the country and confirm receipt
- With RXNT|eRx, prescription from a mobile device in any place and at any time.
- Electronically send controlled medications
Not all e-prescribing solutions have these capabilities, and RXNT|EPCS service allows with providers to prescribe controlled substances. The electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) is legal in all 50 states and is an important capability for all hospice physicians. RXNT’s ECPS solution meets the requirements of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), which states that physicians sending controlled substances be ID proofed and that the controlled substance prescriptions they send to a pharmacy be done using two-factor authentication. RXNT makes ID proofing and two-factor authentication simple for a physician.
Electronic prescribing can make the workflow of a physician, and their staff, much more convenient and efficient. Frank Puglisi, PharmD with VITAS Innovative Hospice, one of the largest in the U.S., described it best when he said, “Our hospice staff finds the product accessible and simple to use. RXNT’s enrollment process, including ID Proofing and token shipping, is streamlined and requires little effort on our end. RXNT’s product and their service is efficient and reliable. We are a proud partner with RXNT. Since making RXNT|eRx available, utilization of electronic prescribing among our hospice physician staff continues to grow as does the number of successful electronic scripts.”
We encourage all physicians to take advantage of this game-changing solution. Let us demonstrate our desktop and mobile solutions and answer your questions. We think you will be very pleased by how much more convenient, fast and secure e-prescribing is than the paper/fax workflow.